True Vision Islamic Library

True Vision
True VisionTrue Vision

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True Vision is a non-profitable research oriented organization established in the year 2008 in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. The purpose of the organization is to promote research of any kind, especially theological. It aims at giving a new dimension to inter-faith understanding and comparative religious studies.

In order to promote logical reasoning and pure research True Vision has established a Book Trust that has more than 500 books and is in function since the initiation of the trust. The collection of books is mainly on theology, a considerable number the books focus on general sciences also. Other than that True Vision also has an Article Quarantine, where the research papers of the members are kept once a research is complete. In this way True Vision preserves such research for future use.

The aim of this quarantine is to provide research material of the highest quality and authority. The basic motive of the organization is to promote research in all aspects and build a strong tolerant, scientific and rational temperament amongst the new generation and in this way contribute to peace and prosperity of the world that we all are citizens of.

True Vision Islamic Library
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 190001
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Qamarwari Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 190001


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