Rash Builders India Pvt Ltd


By Kashmir Search , Friday, July 20, 2012 12:00 AM

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Our company is carrying out construction, engineering procurement and development activities with emphasis in the region of Jammu and Kashmir.

Though not a large company but having worked in projects like Lower Jhelum Hydel Project, Navigational Lock Project, Dul Hasti Hydel Project, Upper Sindh Hydel Project, Kashmir Rail Project and Mughal Road project we have experience and capability to perform large civil projects.

We are committed to providing reliable, amicable, and professional service to our valuable clients and our style of management is based on mutual trust with clients and smooth communication between various locations and departments. Our commitment to growth is firmly linked to our commitment to our employees.

Rash Builders India Pvt Ltd
20-B Industrial Estate Barzulla
Srinagar, J&K - 190005
Email : rashbuilders@yahoo.co.in
WebSite :  www.rbindia.com
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20-B Industrial Estate Barzulla Srinagar, J&K - 190005


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