Makah Madina Tours and Travels


By Kashmir Search , Tuesday, July 17, 2012 12:00 AM

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Makkah Madina was established in 2009, primarily concerned with organising Hajj and Umrah for the people.Our main concern has always been to remain fair and honest in all our dealings, delivering what we promise and combining professionalism with firm adherence to the Qur’an and Sunnah.

We offer hajj and umrah with a wide number of packages.We address Hajj and Umrah travel needs for a comprehensive display of fares, rates, lodging, facilities, share Hajj and Umrah experiences, learning center and travel agent reviews in a single location.Thus we take every measure to ensure your journey is as safe and comfortable as possible. Special arrangements include Best of Hotels, Transportation, Meals & Other Complimentary Services.

"Makkah Madina Tour & Travels" is a bonafide member of Jammu & Kashmir Association of Hajj & Umrah Companies (JKAHUC), Ours is a professionally managed organization engaged in providing Hajj & Umrah Services to clients from all over India. In such a short span of time, Makkah Madina Tour & Travels has gained a reputation for excellent customer service, combining professionalism with firm adherence to the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Our staff are stationed in Makkah, Medina and Jeddah to provide you with 24 Hour Support whenever required.

We are commited to offering superb quality at unbeatable prices.We believe in making your pilgrimage as rewarding and as comfortable as possible. Our duty is to give the guests of AL-RAHMAN guaranteed peace of mind to allow them to perform Umrah & Hajj with minimum difficulties.

We strive to deliver honesty and fairness to our customers in all parts of our business. With regard to pricing of tours products we try to ensure that the price is inclusive any your want or need. and our travel products we guarantee that the price you see is the price you pay, and we will pay the difference to any customer who books a tours and finds that this is not the case.

Besides Hajj and Umrah Operations is actively involved in other spheres like Gulf Recruitmen, Highier Education, Job Consultancy etc. is an ambitious online recruitment service that was created to serve the youth in Kashmir to get the best of what world's increasing demand for online recruitment services, for both job seekers & employers in a fast, safe & reliable manner.

we strive to develop every opportunity available to us to ensure that we readily offer career opportunities to locals (Kashmiri Youth) who are keen to take up a profession of their choice. At the same time, we take care and work towards integrating KAshmiri Youth into other departmental job profiles of companies that include outdoor sales, service, hotel industry, office administration etc.

We have established some of top class educational institutions to bring out the better facet of our society, that is our youth. Our Institutions have been in the service of society since last five years and we have produced toppers with excellent acedemic records.

Our mission is to be sincere and helpful.

Makah Madina Tours and Travels
Maisuma Gaw Kadal
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 190001
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Phone : 0194-247-8704
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Maisuma Gaw Kadal Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 190001


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