Kashmir Homeopathy Practitioners Community (KHPC)


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The Like minded persons joined together to create and establish a Trust to make Research & Technology development, Medical Education, Research in the field of Homeopathy, development of Homeopathy education, self development and to provide cost efficient medical facility to the general public and do research & development in the treatment of chronic and incurable disease for the welfare of the community at large without discrimination of caste,Creed,etc.,

The organisation which was born is KHPC means Kashmir Homopathy Practitioners Community.

Following is an extract from the Constitution of the Kashmir Homeopathy Practitioners Community:

The Kashmir Homeopathy Practitioners Community is an apolitical, non-governmental, non-profit making professional organization dedicated to the promotion of Homeopathy.

The KHPC shall operate exclusively in professional, scientific, research educational fields with regards to Homeopathy.

To safeguard the status of homeopathy.

To increase the level Homeopathic Knowledge.

To increase the public awareness of homeopathy in general and professional circles.

To have an ethics policy and protect patients’ rights.

To safeguard professional status and rights of homeopaths.

To set high ideals of homeopathy as achievable targets.

To maintain highest standards of practice and ethics.

Kashmir Homeopathy Practitioners Community (KHPC)
Office Secretary C/o Al-Shafa Homeopathic Clininic Karanagar, Hejazi building Mehandi Kaddle Lalchowk
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 1900000
Email : khpc@mail.com
Phone : +91 9469037774
WebSite :  khpc.hpathy.com
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Office Secretary C/o Al-Shafa Homeopathic Clininic Karanagar, Hejazi building Mehandi Kaddle Lalchowk Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 1900000


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