The Delhi public school

The Delhi Public School, Srinagar
The Delhi Public School, SrinagarThe Delhi Public School, Srinagar

By Kashmir Search , Tuesday, August 21, 2012 3:30 PM

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The Delhi public school, Srinagar is the first private school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E) the school is put up by the D.P. Dhar Memorial Trust in the name of Late Shri D.P.Dhar who was a public figure of eminence; he was unfortunately snatched away at the peak of his public service career, on 12th June 1975, when he was only 56 years of age Late Shri D.P. Dhar held various ministerial appointments in the state of Jammu & Kashmir and the union cabinet as also diplomatic assignments to the then U.S.S.R at a time when India had historic relation ship with the U.S.S.R and signed the Indo soviet Friendship treaty.

Late shri D.P.Dhar is more known for his philanthropy, his dedication to the people of Jammu & Kashmir state and above all for his untiring efforts and total commitment to the cause of Integration of Jammu & Kashmir state with the rest of India. He was of firm belief that the best way to integrate the state of Jammu & Kashmir with the rest of country was to strengthen the socio – economic fabric of the state, by making the people of Kashmir self reliant, industrious and proud of their ‘Kashmiriyat’. It is in this backdrop that he envisioned Education as an essential instrument to achieve these goals.

To honour the memory of Late Shri D.P.Dhar and to complete the unfinished task left by him the family and friends decided to constitute a public trust with the initial corpus to be contributed by the family members only. The principal objective of this trust was to set up a full fledged school from class LKG to class XII affiliated to the central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E). The school known as Delhi Public School Srinagar was started 10th march 2003 and Delhi Public school society Delhi which runs over 150 schools in India and abroad gratefully accepted to help.

In the backdrop of beautiful mountains and sprawling 12 acres of land is the Delhi Public School Srinagar. Set its objective as excellence in education and is slowly trying to meet its requirements.

We start very young in the Delhi Public School Srinagar. The Nursery wing which caters to the children from LKG to class II is one of the best in the country with its own activity room. Two computer rooms a Library which has more than 10,000 books and yoga centre and a canteen. The Nursery block is done in vibrant colors and the children enjoy the digital entertainment and the creativity of these little souls is explored by holding workshops.

The middle school caters to the children from class III to class VI. This also has a large computer room. A library in two floors which today has more than 25,000 books. An audio visual hall for children to see movies. A home science room which also caters to lessons in cooking. A multi science laboratory. A music room, a dance room and a canteen which caters to the children. A book shop and a medical centre which has a dental chair an eye clinic and pathology lab. Then we have a medical room which caters to the day-to-day need of the child under the care of very able Doctors. At least twice a year medical camps are held where Doctors are invited even from outside the state to check the children. Last year we had a heart camp by a team of doctors under the guidance of Dr. Naresh Trehan a world known cardiologist.

The senior wing which caters to classes from VII to class XII is very beautiful and fully equipped. A computer lab is multimedia room. A v- satellite which caters to schools own internet facility. Physics, Chemistry, Biology laboratories and the most unique English lab., and a mathematics lab. Added to all this a fine art centre. We hold art workshops where senior artists come from all over to motivate our budding young artist. It is the child centered approach that makes learning process enjoyable.

We take pride in our achievements and why not? We are the first private school in the valley affiliated to central board of secondary education (C.B.S.E). The last two class X exams have achieved 100% success on an all India basis. Here we would like to compliment the parents who helped us from time to time and all those who put faith in the Delhi Public School Srinagar. The staff, the teachers in particular has given their best to make the children achieve.

Today the Delhi Public School Srinagar in terms of infrastructure is comparable to any of the best schools in the country. The school has a water world for the little children the first any school has in the country. A covered swimming pool which at a later stage can also be heated. Tennis courts, facility for volley ball , basket ball, net ball, hand ball , cricket, football, hockey and now we are making a Golf putting and Golf drive which also would be unique to any school.

We at Delhi Public School Srinagar will try and provide the best to our children. Once again thanks to the parents for actively giving this school the support it deserves. We also would like to say a special word of gratitude to the grand parents without whose blessings this school would not have achieved the success it has achieved so far.

We are young and we do not have the experience but we are learning fast. We are sure we will be the best one day.

The Delhi public school
The Delhi public school
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 190001
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The Delhi public school Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 190001


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