G N Cements

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G N Cements
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53-Grade OPC is a higher strength cement to meet the needs of the consumer for higher strength concrete. As per BIS requirements the minimum 28 days compressive strength of 53- Grade OPC should not be less than 53 MPa. For certain specialised works, such as pre-stressed concrete and certain items of precast concrete requiring consistently high3 strength concrete, the use of 53-Grade OPC is found very useful.

53-Grade OPC produces higher-grade concrete at very economical cement content

53-Grade OPC can be used for the following

RCC works(Preferably where grade of concrete is M-30 and above)

Precast concrete items such as paving blocks, tiles building blocks

Prestressed concrete components) Runways, concrete Roads, Bridges etc.)

The 43-Grade OPC is the most popular general- purpose cement in the country today. The production of 43-Grade OPC is nearly 50% of the total production of cement in the country.

The 43-Grade OPC can be used for following

General Civil Engineering construction work RCC works(preferably where grade of concrete is up to M-30)

Precast items such as blocks, tiles, pipes etc

Asbestos products such as sheets and pipes

Non-structural works such as plastering, flooring etc.

G N Cements
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 190018
Email : shaduzwani@gmail.com
Phone : +91 9469019191
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Bemina Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 190018


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