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Trumboo Group of Industries Srinagar started their operation in 1952 and at present the group is engaged in the following business.

Cement Manufacturing
Roller Flour Mills
Real Estate Projects

The group is professionally managed private company and is running by the board of directors. The names and qualifications of the directors are indicated below.

Mohammad Shafi Trumboo

Mushtaq Ahmad Trumboo
Managing Director

Ashfaq Ahmad Trumboo

TCIMAX’s brand name is synonymous with cement and enjoys a high level of equity in the Jammu and Kashmir market. Our range of cements and blended cements is marketed through a network in all the regions of the Jammu and Kashmir through our Sales Units, Area Offices, and warehouses.

Social Cause
TCIMAX regularly contributes towards upliftment of the socially weak sector living in the surrounding villages. TCIMAX also provides cement on concessional basis to the local villages.

We are having the state of the art modern pollution control equipment’s, like Reverse Air Bag House (RABH), ESP and various high efficiency bag dust collectors have been installed in all the sections of the plant. All pollution control equipment’s in the plant have been supplied by THERMAX Limited. Besides this online dust monitoring system has been installed to continuously check dust emission levels during plant operation.

Plantation drive has been carried on the annual basis more than 30,000 trees has been planted till date inside plant and in the mines area.

Grey cement produced by us consists of OPC. We produce two Grades of OPC, they are differentiated by their compressive strengths, expressed in mega pascals (“MPa”), as specified by the BIS. Two grades are TCIMax 53-Grade OPC and TCIMax 43-Grade OPC. The customer selects the grade of OPC based on the intended application. Our most popular cement, by sales volume, is TCIMax 43-Grade cement, with TCIMax 53-Grade cement being used in applications which require high strength characteristics.

Both grades of our OPC cement have high percentage of Cao to give supreme strength while at the same time the presence of undesirable components like Mgo and various Alkalies is very low. To consistently maintain high quality we use best quality limestone and other additives, and the same is being continuously monitored by our Quality Control Department.

TCI MAX 53-Grade OPC

TCI Max 53-Grade OPC is a higher strength cement to meet the needs of the consumer for higher strength concrete. As per BIS requirements the minimum 28 days compressive strength of 53-Grade OPC should not be less than 53 MPa. For certain specialised works, such as pre-stressed concrete and certain items of precast concrete requiring consistently high3 strength concrete, the use of 53-Grade OPC is found very useful. TCIMAX 53-Grade OPC produces higher-grade concrete at very economical cement content

53-Grade OPC can be used for the following applications

RCC works(Preferably where grade of concrete is M-30 and above)
Precast concrete items such as paving blocks, tiles building blocks etc.)
Prestressed concrete components)
Runways, concrete Roads, Bridges etc.)

TCI MAX 43-Grade OPC

The 43-Grade OPC is the most popular general-purpose cement in the country today. The production of 43-Grade OPC is nearly 50% of the total production of cement in the country.
The 43-Grade OPC can be used for following applications

General Civil Engineering construction work
RCC works(preferably where grade of concrete is up to M-30)
Precast items such as blocks, tiles, pipes etc
Asbestos products such as sheets and pipes
Non-structural works such as plastering, flooring etc.

50 Sanat Nagar Near Industrial Estate
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 190005
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50 Sanat Nagar Near Industrial Estate Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 190005


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