Government Medical College Srinagar

Government Medical College Srinagar
Government Medical College SrinagarGovernment Medical College Srinagar

, Sunday, July 8, 2012 12:00 AM

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Government Medical College Srinagar, established in 1959 was one of the very first Medical Colleges of Independent India and was ranked among the Top 5 for many decades. Its the premier Government Medical Institution concerned with imparting Health and Medical Education. The Associated Hospitals of the College Act as the Tertiary Heath Centers and are the Main Referral Hospitals from all corners of Kashmir Valley.
The Medical College Provides Medical Education at the Under graduate level (M.B.B.S courses) and Post Graduate level (MD/MS and Diploma courses) in its various Associated Hospitals.

The College Hospitals are the main referral destinations from all primary and secondary Health Centers across Kashmir and receive thousand of patients in Out Patient Department and In patient department.

Around a 100 Medical Students Graduate from the college each year. The college admits students purely on the basis of Merit obtained in the Common Entrance Examination held by Board of Professional Entrance Examination held once every year in June.

Government Medical College Srinagar
SMHS Hospital
Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 190010
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SMHS Hospital Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir - 190010


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